Clubs and Classes
Clubs and Classes
Choose a club or class below to learn more!
SkY: Social Skills for Youth
For junior and senior high school teenage boys, Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30pm
SkY is for young men looking to practice age-appropriate social skills in a group setting using music, board games, and role-playing. The group is fond of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) activities, including:
- Maze-making
- Lego ziplining
- Spaghetti towers
- Home-building, using several types of construction mediums
The young men each bring their unique gifts of expression to the table, and we work as a group to hone those talents.
Facilitated by Elisabeth Wallen, Licensed Teacher/ ASD, LD, and E/BD certifications
GIST: Group Interactive Skills for Teens
For junior and senior high school girls, Mondays from 4:30-5:30pm
GIST gathers young ladies to promote age-appropriate social skills through interactive board games, crafts, music, and field trips. The group is fond of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) activities, including:
- Maze-making
- Math games
- Science experiments, including making calm-down jars
- Home-building, using several types of construction mediums
Our goal is to enable young ladies to practice independent living skills through group planning, social problem-solving, and flexible thinking during interactions.
Facilitated by Elisabeth Wallen, Licensed Teacher/ ASD, LD, and E/BD certifications

EKHO: Elementary Kids Hanging Out
For preteen boys and girls, Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm
EKHO is a group for preteens to practice age-appropriate activities and promote healthy social interactions within a group setting. The group frequently uses toys like Legos, puzzles, and board games and is fond of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) activities, including:
- Maze-making
- Lego ziplining
- Home-building, using several types of construction mediums
The group also incorporates a variety of art mediums to help with anxious and overwhelming feelings when participating in a group setting.
Facilitated by Elisabeth Wallen, Licensed Teacher/ ASD, LD, and E/BD certifications

SAC: Social Adventure Club
For young elementary school children, Thursdays from 4:30-5:30pm
SAC gathers young elementary students to improve their social skills. All groups have a schedule to give the children a sense of control over weekly activities. The group is fond of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) activities, including:
- Lego home building
- Lego ziplining
- Investigating the world using all five senses
Social practice begins with a story or group activity to facilitate working in a group before moving on to play, when the children practice sharing and having appropriate conversations with their peers.
Facilitated by Elisabeth Wallen, Licensed Teacher/ ASD, LD, and E/BD certifications

FYA: Friday Young Adults
For young adults who have graduated high school, Fridays from 4:00-5:00pm
FYA is a place for young adults to continue developing the skills learned in group settings. The group facilitates interactive games, develops independent living skills, performs crafts, and participates in community involvement events. Members have the chance to experience outings before taking their learned practice into real-world settings.
Facilitated by Elisabeth Wallen, Licensed Teacher/ ASD, LD, and E/BD certifications
Social Adventures Club
Nobody likes me.
You pick up your child from school. In tears, they get into the car. When you ask what is wrong, they say, “I have no friends, no one likes me!” Confused you think back to activities where you’ve observed a long line of times in which your child was playing alone, not included. You heart breaks at the thought.
Your child is not the only one that struggles with making friends, keeping friends, or getting along with others. Being a parent of a child who struggles socially is painful to watch. The longer they go without friends and feeling accepted, the more likely they will struggle with feeling good about themselves—which leads to further feelings of loneliness.
A small group is often the best training ground.
Help your child by enrolling them in Social Adventures Club. A group created to provide an opportunity for kids with social learning challenges to develop their social interaction skills while playing and participating in cooperative group activities! We practice conversation skills, joining in, keeping bodies and brains in the group, sticking with the group plan, being flexible thinkers, etc. Free play time gives kids an opportunity to practice these skills with social coaching support.
This is a small group open to grade-school-age children.
Call to get specific dates and sign up!

Group Interactive Skills for Teens
Group Interactive Skills for Teens
For many, life at school or work can be difficult. This is a place to practice those skills that don’t come naturally. Such as; interrupting into a conversation, staying on topic, compromising when we want to do something different, politely declining to eat a new food, working as a team, or deciding how to look at someone else’s perspective. We use different skill sets to accomplish hands-on projects. Through music, art, and games we learn how to discuss our daily struggles. As a group we seek to encourage individuals to grow in their ability to better interact with others. We offer a group for young ladies and a group for young men.